Preparing an Evacuation Plan

In some emergency situations, it may be necessary for you to leave your home for a period of time. Having a clear and concise evacuation plan can make things easier on you and emergency officials. Here you will find a few tips on what you can and should do to prepare for an evacuation of your home.

Bring the necessities

Chances are you will not have enough room in your automobile to bring all the things that you would like to. Be sure to bring things like long sleeved shirts, long pants and rugged shoes to protect as much of your body as possible from the elements. Also, be sure to bring your emergency supply kit, and if time allows, any important documents, such as insurance information and vital family records, in the event you may be away from your home for a long period of time.

Plan your evacuation route

Having a clear and well-thought-out evacuation route will help to get you out of harm's way in a timely manner. Be sure to stay on as many main roads as possible. Back roads, or roads not specified by local authorities, may be impassable by automobile and may pose a serious danger to you and your family. Having a quick and clear way out of town can help to keep you safe in an emergency situation.

Safeguard your home

If you have enough time, there are a few things you can do around your home to protect it while you are away. Bring items from outdoors such as lawn furniture, patio furniture, toys, and hanging plants. These things could become airborne and cause significant structural damage to yours or a neighbor's home. Also, be sure to turn off your electricity at the main breaker and your water supply at the main valve. Do not turn off the gas supply unless instructed to do so by township officials.

Planning for those with special needs

The most vulnerable individuals in emergencies are those with special needs. These people may fall into any one of the following categories:

  • Hearing Impaired
  • People who Require Electricity
  • People without vehicles
  • Single Working Parent
  • Mobility Impaired
  • People who Require Oxygen
  • People with Specific Dietary Needs
  • Non-English Speaking

Identifying loved ones who may require special care, and having an organized plan to assist them should an emergency occur, is of vital importance. Have a look at this website to ascertain how prepared you are, and how you can better prepare your family in an emergency situation:

Inclusive Preparedness Resources - Red Cross

School and Workplace Plans

There is always a possibility that you and your loved ones may be separated when an emergency occurs. For example, your children may be in school when an emergency alarm sounds. Do you know how prepared your child's school is to handle an emergency situation? Visit the U.S. Department of Education's website to see how well your child's school is prepared:

Emergency Management for Schools

You may also find yourself at the workplace when an emergency situation takes place. There are a few steps that your place of employment may take to ensure yours and your co-workers safety should one of these instances arise. Feel free to visit this helpful website to see if any steps can be taken to improve the emergency readiness at your workplace:

Prepare Your Workplace for Emergencies - Red Cross

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